Our work is the presentation of our capabilities
Be Earthquake Safe
Brikolite AAC blocks are lighter and they absorb and transmit minimum force of seismic vibrations. Brikolite blocks therefore fulfill the requirement of seismic Zone IV and V in which the North East of India lies.
Energy Efficient & Eco Friendly
Manufactured using a non polluting and highly energy efficient process, AAC Brikolite blocks ensures a reduction in Carbon footprints by utilizing fly ash as it’s resource.
Fire Resistant
Unique cellular beehive like structure of AAC Brikolite blocks allows it to face temperatures as high as 1500 degrees centigrade and hold up to flames for 4 to 5 hours at a stretch. They also do not emit any toxic fumes during such hazards.
Pest Resistant
The inorganic constitution of Brikolite AAC blocks facilitate resistance to pests. Prevention of infestation and attacks by termites and other insects is easier and structures are safer.
High Acoustic Insulation
The porous Brikolite blocks which falls in STC-44(Sound Transmission Class) offers attenuation of about 45 to 49dB. The sound absorbing property enhances the quality of living spaces and fulfills requirements in commercial areas too.
No Water Seepage
Brikolite blocks have a microscopic cellular structure of aerated pores, therefore buildings made with Brikolite is 80% water resistant.
High Thermal Insulation
The efficient thermal insulating qualities of AAC Brikolite help in maintaining the interior temperature of a building against the exterior temperature. Thus Brikolite blocks ensure immense reduction in Air Conditioning expenses.
Structural Saving
Brikolite blocks are very light thus it reduces dead weight and also reduces consumption of steel. Moreover,the customized and well shaped blocks lead to minimum use of plaster and are cost saving.
High Strength
Higher Flexibility
Faster Construction
Green Building
Installation benefits of Brikolite AAC Blocks
Cutting of Brikolite AAC blocks is very easy. It can be cut with simple working tools at site itself without any extra skills to get desired shape and size.
Laying of Brikolite AAC blocks are very easy, due to its light weight it is easy to install with skin coat of mortar.
Nailability in Brikolite AAC blocks can be easily done.
Conduiting in Brikolite AAC wall can be done without any extra skill with simple working tools.
Drilling can also be done in Brikolite AAC wall.